The Inner Athlete, Outer Amazing Program

Led by Leka Fineman

Join a power squad of incredible women to live your best and healthiest life.

Create a better world by making health and well-being your top priority.

Stay on track, be held accountable, go for what you desire. Get the mutual support you need to feel amazing...all year long!


Living your life to the fullest!


Welcome the the Inner Athlete/ Outer Amazing Program: everything you need to live your happy, healthy life!

A comprehensive approach to health, all structured to keep you on track.

No longer feel alone, wondering what's best to eat, or is the best form of exercise. Geared towards your continuing happiness, health and strength.



  • Eliminating barriers.

  • Staying on track through accountability.

  • An inspiring fun, experience.

  • Confidence in what's best for your Health & Wellness.



  • Being confident in your body, while letting go of unwanted weight.

  • Building strength and balance, increasing flexibility and agility.

  • Learning the most optimal types of exercise for you.

  • Training for your best life!



  • Feeding yourself to support your life goals.

  • Accessing your personalized nutritional knowledge.

  • Eating intuitively without restriction.



  • Optimizing sleep for recovery and top performance.

  • Breathing for mindfulness that relieves stress and anxiety.

  • Enhancing active recovery.


Program Components



Focusing on performance and feeling good rather than appearance.

Power Squad workouts via Zoom and indepent programs.


Fueling yourself for peak performance and feeling your best.

Sensible nutrition.

Cooking tutorials.


Your place for motivation and community.

Guided Mindset and Mindfullness.

Resource portal.


 Act now Bonuses!



6 week Jump Start to Fitness

Get in the habit of exercising and eating right. Master the basics for fundamental strength and conditioning.

Hit the ground running!


Private Nutrition Coaching

1:1 Nutrition coaching planning session with Leka.

Your nutrition dialed-in with a customized plan.


 “Working on the additional mobility and strength movements and doing a lot more lifting Leka assigned to me really benefited my technique. I no longer believe that I can't be as strong as I want to be. It was so fun working with Leka! I loved her attention and programming!”




“I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Leka Fineman! She has helped me in the last few months fine tuning my nutrition. I have learned a lot and feel better equipped to continue my health journey. Bonus, I lost 10 pounds and have increased my strength through this process.”




Connect with your Inner Athlete/ Live your Outer Amazing...all year long!




Group Coaching:

  • Weekly Guided Discussions

  • Monthly Group Teaching Session

  • Monthly Challenges (nutrition/ fitness/ mindset topics)

  • Monthly Cooking tutorial and recipe


Fitness Component:

  • 4 workouts per week: 2 power Squad Zoom classes, 1 yoga class, 1 home workout

  • Access to recordings of all live classes.

  • Recommended warmups, activations & stretches

Member perks:

  • Fit kit: intro member startup set bag of goodies

  • Custom app

  • Private Facebook Community

  • Resources Library


Yearly Retreat:

  • Guaranteed access to one to any local (in the U.S.) retreat or event.


Investment: $12,000 after 11/1/21

Act now discount $999 per month OR $10,000 paid in full

Early sign up bonuses:

1:1 Nutrition coaching planning session (Value $397)

6 week Jumpstart to Fitness Program (Value $697)

PLUS: Founding Member Discount

$1000.00 off yearly pricing if paid in full by 10/31/21


Your Coach

Leka Fineman

I feel lucky to get to do what I love and help people change their lives and find happiness in being as healthy and strong as they can be through learning good habits when it comes to nutrition and well being. I grew up in the bay and have raised 2 daughters here. I’ve been pretty active my whole life, but it wasn't until I was 40 that I was introduced to CrossFit. Eventually, at age 45, I started competing. I qualified for the CrossFit games 3 years in a row, finishing in the top 10 each year. Competing at such a high level taught me that it is crucial to dial in your nutrition. You can train all you want in the gym, but if you don't take care of the other pieces of your life that keep you healthy, you won't get far! I am excited to have the opportunity to share my experience and knowledge with you!