If you’ve been feeling a little less than great lately, it's time to give yourself some love. Build your self-esteem and self-confidence through practicing self-love. Here are 7 ways to love yourself. Challenge yourself and do one each day for a week. By spending 7 days with a daily practice it will help you start to get in the habit of loving yourself which is the key to becoming the best version of your self!
Read MoreIt’s easy to get distracted by life and pulled in many directions. So how does one stay focused on a goal when it comes to fitness, which can so quickly get put at the bottom of the list? It is important to establish routines and rituals to keep you focused on those goals. Here are 5 ways:
Read MoreWhat do we really have control over in our lives? On the most basic level there are actually only a few things. Read on to discover what we can control and how to focus your attention on the right things.
Read MoreSome facts of life you just have to accept. If you are even the slightest bit on the fence about whether or not global warming is happening, ask a kid. They know what's up and they are doing something about it.